First Visit Information

What to Bring to the First Visit

In order to expedite the patient registration process, please download our New Patient Intake and Registration forms, print it, fill it out and bring it with you on your first visit to our office. Thank you!

For your first visit it is helpful to have previous medical records including previous skin testing, lab (bloodwork) results, X-rays, and growth charts available for us to review.

Bring your current medications with you. It is also helpful if you can tell us what has been prescribed to you in the past.

What to Expect at the Visit

While every first visit is a different, here is a general idea of what you can expect. If you think you have allergies, we ask that you abstain from all antihistamines for a full 7 days prior to your first appointment. This will allow us to get accurate results on any allergy skin testing that we may need to do.

***Do not take any antihistamines for a full 7 days prior to your first visit***
(for a full list of antihistamines, click here). Please stop only the antihistamines. DO NOT STOP ANY OTHER MEDICATIONS. Please call our office if you are uncertain.

Your first visit, which is typically 1-2 hours, will include the following:

  • A detailed history of your allergy, asthma, or skin rash symptoms
  • A focused physical exam
  • Complete allergy skin testing, if appropriate
  • Lung function testing, if appropriate
  • Arrange additional blood tests, imaging (Xray/CT scan), or consults if necessary
  • A detailed plan of action to successfully manage your symptoms
  • An opportunity to answer all questions related to your diagnosis and treatment

We welcome your children and families. Please remember that you may need to be in our office for 1-2 hours at your initial visit.

Wear comfortable clothing and a short-sleeve shirt or blouse. Allergy tests are usually performed on the back and occasionally on the forearms, depending on the level of testing. Allergy skin tests usually involve some itching. Reactions occur only on the skin, and usually resolve within a couple of hours.

We pride ourselves on taking the time to listen and do a thorough evaluation of every patient. It is our goal to give you the time and attention you deserve to discuss your medical history and get your questions answered.

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